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喜报|公司林祺副教授在金融学国际权威期刊《Journal of Banking & Finance》发表论文


近日,公司林祺副教授以独立作者身份撰写的论文“The q5 model and its consistency with the intertemporal CAPM”在金融学国际权威学术期刊《Journal of Banking & Finance》上正式发表。


In this paper, we test the consistency of the q5 model of Hou et al. (2019, 2020) with Merton’s (1973) intertemporal capital asset pricing model (ICAPM) framework. We find that all but one factors in the q5 model carry significantly positive covariance risk prices. The profitability factor, however, has little explanatory power for the cross-section of expected returns. The time-series tests show that the investment factor predicts a significant decline in stock market volatility, thereby being consistent with its positive price of covariance risk and satisfying the sign restrictions associated with the ICAPM. Importantly, the expected growth factor that is found to be helpful in describing cross-sectional average returns fails to predict future investment opportunities with the correct sign, which indicates that it is not a valid risk factor under the ICAPM. Overall, the ICAPM cannot be used as a theoretical background for the q5 model.

《Journal of Banking & Finance》由Elsevier出版,主要发表银行与金融等研究领域的理论与实证论文,收录于SSCI(Social Sciences Citation Index)。该期刊为国际学术界公认的金融领域高质量期刊,ABDC A*期刊,ABS 3星期刊。



地址:中国·浙江省杭州市下沙高教园区学源街18号 邮编:310018

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