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在国家外国专家局教科文卫专家司的指导下,由国家外国专家局国外人才信息研究中心、《国际人才交流》杂志联合主办,北京环球英才交流促进会承办,枫叶国际学校独家冠名协办的“我与外教”全国征文大赛系列活动自2011年举办以来,在全国各地外专局、教育厅(局)和各有关学校、单位的支持下,六届大赛活动均取得圆满成功。产生一大批优秀的获奖作品:“我与外教”征文 1299 篇,外教看中国摄影作品 235 幅,以及年度外教人物  10 名,“国际化人才之路”论坛五届,受到国内外广大师生的欢迎与喜爱,取得了良好的社会反响。为进一步丰富和提升大赛的内容和品质,“我与外教”征文的英文比赛结合跨文化交际能力大赛(中北明德测评技术研究院主办),征文大赛的英文作品(仅限高中、大学)可直接作为跨文化交际能力大赛的初赛参赛作品。







                                2017年 9月26日



 The 2017 Maple Leaf Cup 

“My Foreign Teacher and I” National Essay Contest

 “China through Foreign Teachers Eyes” Photo

Exhibition & Competition

Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, sub-provincial cities and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, International Department of the Ministry of Education, all schools and organizations concerned:

The 7th “My Foreign Teacher and I” National Essay Contest and “China through Foreign Teachers Eyes” Photo Exhibition & Competition is approved by SAFEA, for the aim of putting President Xi’s instruction of “Strengthening international talent exchange” as well as "Telling Chinese story, Spreading Chinese voice " in practice, remembering foreign experts contribution and friendship between foreign teachers and students, so as to provide favorable environment to foreign talents.

Since 2011 “My Foreign Teacher and I” National Contest has been held for six times and reached outstanding achievement. Many works were produced, including 1299 essays, 235 photos, 10 “Foreign Teachers of the Year” and 5 sessions of “International Talent Road” Forum, which are popular among teachers and students. To enrich this year’s contest, we also hold Intercultural Competence Contest( supported by Apocalypse Academic Assessment Research Institute). English Essays (limited to high school and university level) can also be submitted as entries for Intercultural Competence Contest.

“My Foreign Teacher and I” National Contest attracts attention and participantsall works of life, which performs as a brand activity for educational culture exchange.

All schools and relevant organizations are welcomed to organize foreign teachers to participate in this contest. Competent provinces, cities, districts are welcomed to set regional contest.

Information Research Center of International Talent, SAFEA

Sep. 26, 2017


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