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题目:The relative and absolute labour market returns to different degrees in the UK–Evidence from the Longitudinal Educational Outcomes Administrative Dataset


主讲人 朱宇

讲座时间:20181211日(周二)下午14:30 -16:00



摘要:By using the new Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) administrative dataset developed by the UK Department for Education (DfE), which tracks English students through school, college, university and into the labour market, we try to disentangle the impact of a degree on earnings and employment outcomes from that of student characteristics, providing estimates of the impact of different degrees on graduate earnings. The LEO dataset provides a unique opportunity to do so by allowing us to account for differences in background and prior attainment between graduates who take different degrees. We estimate the relative labour market return - measured by earnings and employment 5 years after graduation - to different subjects, institutions and degree courses relative to the average degree. On the other hand, we also estimate the absolute economic value of degrees, comparing higher education students and graduates’ earnings with similar individuals at age 29. We find that the labour market returns to different degrees vary considerably, even after accounting for the considerable differences in student composition. Both the subject of degree and institution attended make a considerable difference to graduates’ earnings.



朱宇,男,英国剑桥大学经济学博士(1998),现任英国邓迪大学(University of Dundee)经济学讲席教授 (Chair Professor)。南京财经大学公共管理学院客座教授,“家庭与经济问题杂志”(Journal of Family and Economic Issues)编委,苏格兰经济学会理事。研究领域为教育经济学,家庭经济学,劳动经济学,发展经济学,应用计量经济学。近年来,发表 SSCI期刊文章近 30 篇,包括 China Economic Review, Economic Journal, Economica, Economic Inquiry, Economics of Education Review, Economics Letters, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Population Economics, Labour Economics, Oxford Economic Papers 和 Scandinavian Journal of Economics。Google Scholar引用 1800+次。指导博士生 11 人。曾为欧盟职业培训发展中心,英国教育部,英国工作和退休金部,英国商业创新和技能部,苏格兰政府及皇家学会撰写咨询报告。曾参加或主持过英国教育部,British Academy,和Nuffield基金会资助的课题。




地址:中国·浙江省杭州市下沙高教园区学源街18号 邮编:310018

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